Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Lost in Sadness"

Time has passed.
Does the length or reason matter?
Now is important.
This is the moment.

I stand before her.
I see no change.
The beauty of her face.
The brilliance of her smile.
The comfort of her embrace.

Nothing is different.
I watch her eyes.
"the mirror of her soul."
She begins to explain.
I listen.

The facts are clear.
The battle has commenced.
I've heard this all before.
Is this a dream?
How many times will this story be told?

Time has passed.

I'm "Lost in Sadness"


Donna N. said...

I know what the "Lost in the Sadness" is like. But now, well now I am slowly starting to come out of the fog. It doesn't happen overnight, it is a journey. I am still on that journey and probably will be for life, but WHAT A LIFE!! Surrounded by family, friends, love, and happiness. You WILL win.

ShirleyPerly said...

Beautiful poem. Hopefully we can make a difference.

Linda said...

that was a beautiful poem and very powerful....did you write that?

Jim said...

Yes, I did write the poem.